The old town of Alqosh
Explore The old town of Alqosh​
Wandering through the narrow streets of the old town is like stepping back in time. Traditional stone houses line the streets, showing a timeless charm. The old quarter has retained its authentic character with few modern buildings. The town grow further to the south and east of the old quarter. However, the impact of emigration due to conflicts in the past decades has left many historic homes abandoned and slowly succumbing to the effects of time.
The traditional houses of Alqosh are typically one or two stories high. These residences often feature courtyards, and some boast their own wells, expertly dug into the bedrock to tap into the region’s fresh groundwater. Wealthy households once adorned their entrances with elaborate decorations, with the famous Mosul Marber.
Within the town’s historic charm, you’ll discover two ancient churches, a Heritage Museum in one of the old buildings and a sprawling cemetery crowning a hill beside the old quarter. These landmarks not only tell the tale of Alqosh’s spiritual heritage but also offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Explore the winding streets, the old Bazaar, and immerse yourself in the captivating history of this Christian town.